Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Saturday the 10th

We went on a shopping trip to a Costco in Daegu city –about an hour away by car. The store was almost exactly like the Costco’s in North America –rows and rows of stacked wholesale crates- except the products were largely made by Korean companies. American brands such as Kraft and Kellogg’s were present though too. We bought an entire shopping cart full of food, cooking/cleaning supplies, and bedding. The price was similar to what one would have pain in North America.

We stopped for dinner at a Korean barbeque place on the way home. At a lot of restaurants in Korea you must sit on the floor –no chairs to be found and the table are about a foot off the ground. This is incredibly uncomfortable for me unless I can sit against a wall and stick my legs straight out under the table. This I do, but most others sit, more properly, on their knees or semi-cross-legged.

At home we unpacked our groceries and other supplies and found places to put them in our cramped apartment. We then watched Korean television for a bit before going to bed.

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